I don't have a lot to report this week. Mr. Talbert came with his Yanmar Garden Tractor and tilled about 1/4 acre. Sure looks like a lot of area to plant. I guess I'll get started next weekend. Wish I had taken a picture of Mr Talbert's garden tractor, but I forgot.
Things are turning green, another week of warm weather and everything will have their new leaves. Sue's great nephew came one day last week and fished our pond. At least we now know there are fish other than brim. Coby caught a bass and catfish. Small as they were, they weren't brim. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against brim, I've just always considered them catfish and bass food.
I started a new brooder house for chicks but didn't get it finished. Also intended to get a small hoop house/green house up this weekend, but that didn't get done either. Spring just started and I feel like I'm already running out of spring days. I heard on the radio last week we were nearing a record number of days under 80 degree temperatures. The news tonight was predicting temperatures in the 80's this Tuesday. That's almost summer weather. Brett and Eddie started the disassemble of the horse barn (pole barn). We'll move it to a more aesthetically pleasing location in the future.
The more I study about chickens, the more old breeds I find that I like. Like the Silver Laced Wyandott and the Welsummer. So cool looking. Maybe we need a bigger farm.