Sunday, March 28, 2010

Garden Spot

It's Spring! 2010

I don't have a lot to report this week. Mr. Talbert came with his Yanmar Garden Tractor and tilled about 1/4 acre. Sure looks like a lot of area to plant. I guess I'll get started next weekend. Wish I had taken a picture of Mr Talbert's garden tractor, but I forgot.

Things are turning green, another week of warm weather and everything will have their new leaves. Sue's great nephew came one day last week and fished our pond. At least we now know there are fish other than brim. Coby caught a bass and catfish. Small as they were, they weren't brim. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against brim, I've just always considered them catfish and bass food.

I started a new brooder house for chicks but didn't get it finished. Also intended to get a small hoop house/green house up this weekend, but that didn't get done either. Spring just started and I feel like I'm already running out of spring days. I heard on the radio last week we were nearing a record number of days under 80 degree temperatures. The news tonight was predicting temperatures in the 80's this Tuesday. That's almost summer weather. Brett and Eddie started the disassemble of the horse barn (pole barn). We'll move it to a more aesthetically pleasing location in the future.

It was dry enough today in the pasture to move the chicken sled. Worked great. Hooked up the pickup, put it in 4 wheel drive and away we went. Now the chickens have new greens to eat. Still getting about 3 to 5 eggs a day.

The more I study about chickens, the more old breeds I find that I like. Like the Silver Laced Wyandott and the Welsummer. So cool looking. Maybe we need a bigger farm.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

This is Texas girls, your gonna love it.

So those are chickens!
You may have to look close to find Cleo the Cat as she gets her first look at the chickens.

Isn't Texas Great! March and 74 degrees. Green grass.
The chickens are home and seem to be settled in, we're getting about 4 eggs a day from the 5 hens. Well, settled in is a relative thing I guess, if your ready for snow on the first full day of spring.

Yes, I know it was in the 70's yesterday, but this is Texas

Friday in the 70's, by Saturday night it was in the 30's and Sunday morning snow. Monday is to be sunny and back in the 60's and Tuesday in the 70's again. And the grass under the snow will still be green. I just wish it would dry out on the weekends so I could get a garden planted. I'm two weeks behind on getting the patatoes and onion in the ground.

The hoop house/coop is built sled style so it can be moved around the pasture. They have cleaned all the greens out of their 8' x 18' area in one week. Plans were to move it Saturday but a little Texas weather blew in and changed the plan. Maybe it will be dry enough next week to get the truck in the pasture. In the meantime I'll pull some clover and give them.

This is Chance, if your really good friends with him you can call him "Fat Chance". He's really a Rat Terrier, but in the picture above he was doing his impression of a Pointer. He just doesn't have much to point with.

And here he is with his buddy Roudy, getting a close look at the new arrivals.
I'm really behind because of the wet spring. I've had plans to have a small greenhouse up and filled with seeds by now. It just hasn't worked out because of the weather. Also wanted a small hoop house up and covered to use for a brooder this week. Looking at the weather forcast, I'll be really lucky if I can have them complete by next weekend. Oh well, those chicks, peeps, ducklings and keets can grow in someone else's brooder for another week or so.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

HELP!!! HELP!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

And now the rest of the story on the chicken page.

Still to Come

With the help of Sue, Eddie, David and Darcy it looks like we will get our chickens today. That's the first of several additions I hope to see this year. Guinea fowl, pheasants, ducks, geese, rabbits, hogs, bees and an outside dog that can guard. Oh yeah, a freezer. Oh yeah, GOATS! Oh yeah, fish for the pond.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't miss the City Slickers Page

Don't miss the City Slickers visit Dog Alley. Can be found on the City Slickers page to the right.